“We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the podcast began to take hold.” 
 — co-founder Jacob ‘Koby’ Kory, 2013

Founded during the Great Legacy Podcast Shortage of 2013, Everyday Eternal has established itself as the longest-running  show of the format.

Fast forward to today, and Legacy is teeming with podcasts hosted by format enthusiasts from all around the world. Dive into our 100+ episodes below.

“We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the podcast began to take hold.”
— Jacob ‘Koby’ Kory, 2013

Founded during the Great Legacy Podcast Shortage of 2013, Everyday Eternal has established itself as the longest-running  show of the format.

Fast forward to today, and Legacy is teeming with podcasts hosted by format enthusiasts from all around the world. Dive into our 100+ episodes below.

Founded during the Great Legacy Podcast Shortage of 2013, Everyday Eternal has established itself as the longest-running  show of the format.

Fast forward to today, and Legacy is teeming with podcasts hosted by format enthusiasts from all around the world. Dive into our 100+ episodes below.

WotC REPRINTS* Black Lotus | EP.132

“Back in the old days at Wizards of the Coast, we used to joke about how cravenly greedy it would be to release cards that you could only get with a high purchase price, like only available in a booster box etc. We often said that if we did that it was because we were...

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Winning the Showcase Challenge with Sheoldred – feat. Maxtortion | EP.131

In an impromptu attempt at amateur science, the crew looks into the effect of pouring a bottle of wine over your keyboard. The results will SHOCK you, as one of us soon gets relegated to a literal casting couch for the rest of the podcast. Oh, and there’s Max Gilmore too, who actually CRUSHED the...

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Your Pet Card Sucks – with xJCloud | EP.130

It’s a full house today, as the entire crew is joined by famed sky noodle expert John Ryan ‘xJCloud’ Hamilton. xJ recently relocated his desires into the realms of Dragon Stompy, and used his dark powers to once again almost take down a Legacy SuperPTQ. Nevertheless, his 2nd place finish was good enough to qualify him...

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Callum Wins the Legacy Challenge & Mailbag | EP.129

We planned this episode as a mailbag one, but then SOMEONE had to go and win the Legacy Challenge with Painter and mess up our plans. Typical Callum move, shameful. Tune in to find out everything about Callum’s victory, and listen to us answering all kinds of questions, such as: will the Legacy Premier League...

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7 Months Later | EP.128

Callum, Kai & Julian gather to take a comprehensive look back at metagame ever since Ragavan good banned. Equipped with all the latest numbers from the Data Collection Group, we are able to provide on of the most detailed reviews of metagames & matchups this podcast has ever seen. In the second half of the...

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Play Every Event For Free with This 1 Little Trick | EP.127

If there’s one country that knows what it takes to flavour the shit out of a tournament, it is Japan, where earlier this month, the 20th all-Japanese GOD of Legacy was crowned. However, similar to the Chess World Championship, one does not simply ascend to divinity but instead has to battle their way through a...

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Summer In Sweden | EP.126

Kai returns from his attempted raid of the Viking coasts of Scandinavia. Did he finally end up touching Andrea Mengucci at Tier1CON in Malmö? And which long-forgotten Bird Wizard ended up costing him a potential Top8? Thew crew covers the event from Kai’s POV, and jumps into an analysis of a rather colourful Top8 afterwards....

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Paper Magic Diversity TO THE MOON! | EP.125

Can you run a podcast from German prison? Which AI will emerge victorious in the pixelating/depixelating porn wars? Check out all the big events that went down last weekend to find answer to all your questions Legacy and beyond! 00:00:34 — Callum’s PTQ Days & Kai Goes to Sweden 00:28:14 — LAL Open VIII Results...

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USA, Kenya & Kai Wins EtCetera Legacy | EP.124

Today’s episode is mostly travel stories from around the world: Callum just returned from his band’s month-long tour of the American Midwest and East Coast, where he picked up, among other things, an 18-inch machete at Walmart, and played in front of some of the biggest audiences ever…yet! Julian meanwhile declined an absolute bargain on...

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Welcome to the Cephalid Seafood Restaurant! | EP.123

The Legacy Showcase Challenge flipped the metagame on its head: an all-creature Sliver deck, the latest iteration of Goblins, a TON of turbo-charged Goblin decks – and in the middle of the madness, Javier Dominguez driving his Esper Yorion Cephalid Breakfast car around the arena. Legend has it Javier’s list was created during a transporter...

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We Bought Out HIS Contract! | EP.122

Today we announce a MASSIVE improvement to the podcast. We saved up for a long time, and were finally able to buy out the contract of THIS guy to join us as a brand new member of the crew! Check out the new episode to find out which madmen will be riding with us in...

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(Is it?) Time for the Nuclear Option – with Lawrence Harmon | EP.121

Are we forever gonna play a game of Whac-A-Mole, or go all-in on nuking some pillars® of the format? And why it actually does not not matter….until we have solved a deeper issue. On tonight’s episode, Callum & Julian are joined by serial format breaker Lawrence Harmon, who authored some of the rare meta-level articles...

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It’s Turtles All The Way Down | EP.120

Callum came, Callum saw, Callum painted. All of London. Mostly blue. All the way to the very top of this month’s London Legacy Monthly, as he and his ragtag crew of Goblins, Scarecrows and a lonely Monkey emerged victorious. Meanwhile in Freising, the community-ran Et Cetera Legacy just posted record attendance, while 8-Cast in the...

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The Best Lands.dec In History | EP.119

With the format busy discussing Delver, Lands in the hands of Matt Brown has decided to completely wreck the metagame and win two of the February Legacy Challenges. Callum and Julian invite famed Legacy experts Alli Lindblom and Kourosh Alizadeh to the cast, to discuss the hidden powers that lie within one of Legacy’s most...

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We Are Scared of This Turtle! | EP.118

Legacy developers are currently working in full overdrive, creating fast-combo decks out of removal spells, and conducting ethically questionable experiments trying to merge two or more decks into one. Callum, Matt & Julian dive into the madness and uncover a hidden gem that had been lurking around the format for a while, before having its...

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Have You Seen This Monkey? | EP.117

Ragavan has been banned. Our sweet prince of Legacy, beloved by many and revered by even more, is no more. Wizards of the Coast has taken action, and our simian sidekick will speak, see or do no evil anymore. But as a wise man once said: don’t be sad it’s over – be glad it...

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An Intro To Modern with Andrea Mengucci | EP.116

After Callum had been shamelessly stood up by our scheduled guest, Queen Elizabeth II of England, we instead invited the ONE and ONLY Andrea Mengucci of Italy to save the day and introduce us to the current state of Modern! The format has recently gotten tons of praise following the release of Modern Horizons 2,...

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Julian Almost Goes To The Pro Tour | EP.115

For the final episode of the year, the full triforce assembles once again, as we get military clearance to have Matt back on the cast. In the first part of today’s show, we try to stay on the topic of Julian almost qualifying for the Pro Tour through the Legacy Showcase Qualifier, playing the weirdest...

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Winning Eternal Weekend & The State of Legacy | EP.114

Alex ‘Vivarus’ McKinley joins Callum & Julian to celebrate his recent win in the Eternal Weekend Vintage Mox Emerald Championship. Alex and his crew applied specific principles to constructing the Grixis Tinker Breach list that guided him all the way to the trophy, and we promise only 90% of it is gonna about playing the...

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Eternal Weekend In the Books! – with Nevilshute | EP.113

With the three BIGGEST Legacy events of the year in the books, Callum & Julian invite Danish Doomsday deity Martin ‘nevilshute’ Nielsen to the cast! Martin just finished runner-up in the biggest of last weekend’s Legacy events, nearly taking home the Sylvan Library painting. Martin tells us all you ever wanted to know about Doomsday,...

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