Spurred on by a recent chat on the Eternal Durdles podcast, the boys dive headfirst into the age-old lament: where have all the “real” Control decks gone in Legacy?...
Callum & Kai headed down into just the most presentable suburbs of beautiful Lyon, France for the annual MTG Ones event. Commentating Day 1, the themselves jumped into the...
“New Year, New Me” Callum thought as he…takes down a Legacy Challenge with Painter. Okay, that one didn’t last long, but who can’t blame him? Cutting through the competition...
Closing out the year the gang reflects back on attending the biggest European Legacy events of the year in everybody’s favourite city, Prague. Tune in to find out whether...
With Callum busy bringing metal to rural German villages, Kai and Julian invited BOTH Eternal Weekend North American champions to the show. By that, we mean Kai was doing...
One of our all-time most beloved episodes was a review of the origins of the Legacy format and the first seven bans required to keep it stable (and Survival...