Julian, Callum & Kai try something new, as they get together for their first VIDEO-episode in the history of Everyday Eternal.

Answering YOUR hottest and most controversial statements submitted via our Discord, we discover more about our hosts and their thoughts than the doctor ordered. Tune in for tuns of fun, and let us know whether you’d love to see more video episodes in the future.

00:00:00 Kai Gets Into the Hardest Club In The World

00:12:45 Magic Players Are Soft As Fuck

00:20:05 Julian is 1 Step Away from Becoming the Once-a-Monce-Paper Player Who Wants Things Banned To Make His Pet Deck Better

00:24:05 Deck Specialist Culture is Cringe

00:31:05 You have Cheated in a Sanctioned Magic Event

00:44:55 The Legacy Format has No Identity; play Modern

00:53:15 You Are The Best Legacy Player On The Podcast

01:02:05 Legacy Players Are Smarter Than EDH Players

01:13:15 You Wish Magic Was Less Socially Awkward As a Hobby

01:21:45 Magic’s Got About 5 Years of Life Left In It



Thank you for tuning in,

Until next time!


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