We are Magic: the Gathering’s oldest podcast focused on the Legacy format, bringing you event results, new technologies & community news. Our hosts break down complex strategies in cosy atmosphere and analyze the competitive spirit it takes to succeed in the long run.
Everyday Eternal is both your cutthroat Legacy grinder podcast, as well as the relaxed hangout of three format veterans who don’t take themselves too seriously.
Out of Control | EP.185
Spurred on by a recent chat on the Eternal Durdles podcast, the boys dive headfirst into the age-old lament: where have all the “real” Control decks gone in Legacy? And, more importantly—what makes one in the first place? Armed with ancient wisdom (a.k.a. some 2007 musings from venerable sage Adrian Sullivan), we attempt to unravel...
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:48:26 — 74.5MB)
Callum’s Newschool Painter CRUSHES Lyon+MTGO | EP.184
Callum & Kai headed down into just the most presentable suburbs of beautiful Lyon, France for the annual MTG Ones event. Commentating Day 1, the themselves jumped into the action on Sunday with their trusted Doomsday and Painter variants. In true Everyday Eternal fashion, they once again faced each other for an elimination match for...
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:16:38 — 52.6MB)
10-0 GG NO RE – Callum Takes Down The Challenge | EP.183
“New Year, New Me” Callum thought as he…takes down a Legacy Challenge with Painter. Okay, that one didn’t last long, but who can’t blame him? Cutting through the competition like a 10-0 knife through butter never felt this great. Check out what he has to say about his new list that is quite the deviation...
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:19:56 — 54.9MB)

Julian Knab
A local grinder since 2005, Julian started making a name for himself in Europe between 2013-2018, winning a Bazaar of Moxen, an LPL & holding the record for most CMS Legacy Championships. Ever since he has transitioned into a content creation role, most famously producing & commentating four seasons of the Legacy Premier League, and the official Eternal Weekend coverage. He also likes to pretend to be a regular streamer every once in a blue moon and has been a regular commentator on the NRG Series.
Often invited as a recurring guest, Julian eventually took over executive production of Everyday Eternal in 2017.
Legacy – Major #1 Bazaar of Moxen Paris ’13
#1 CMS Milan ’16
#1 CMS Hamburg ’18
#1 CMS Super Finals ’17
#2 CMS Super Finals ’16
Top8 Eternal Weekend ’17
Minor #1 Legacy Premier League ’19
Top8 Eight CMS Events
Top16 SCG Richmond ’14
Top16 Beijing Orlov ’18
7 Legacy Challenge Wins
Vintage #1 CMS Hamburg ’17
#2 Prague Eternal ’14
1 Vintage Challenge Win

Callum Smith
On international level, Callum put his name on the map with a Top8 at the 2017 European Legacy Championships in Paris. His impact on Legacy however extends well beyond his finishes, and has estbalished him as one of the most influential deck developers in the format. Equipped with an unmatched instict for recognizing the power of new cards, as well as the potential for innovation in established strategies, Callum is the mad scientist of Everyday Eternal. Having played three Legacy GPs thus far, Callum famously lost to Julian in two of them, somehow not winning the one he managed to avoid him.
Following several guest appearances, he joined Everyday Eternal as a regular host in 2020.
Legacy Top8 Eternal Weekend ’17
3 Legacy Challenge Wins
Decks Developed & Co-Developed:
- Grixis Phoenix
- Post-Top Miracles
- Hogaak
- Zirda Combo
- Sharkstill
- Urza Echo
- Titan Stompy
- Chaos Defiler Painter
Runs the London Legacy Monthly
Wigan Kebab Ambassador to the EU

Kai Sawatari
Kai Sawatari is a inspiring reminder of constantly reinventing yourself and staying on the move. Once a singer, violinist, and connoisseur of nimble mongeese, it was only after picking up Ad Nauseam Tendrils & Doomsday that he carved his name into the format on international level.
Legacy #1 Prague Eternal ’14
#2 13th God of Legacy ’19
#4 GP Kyoto ’14
Top16 Eternal Weekend Asia ’18
#17 GP Lille ’15
2 Legacy Challenge Wins
Runs the High 5 Legacy Berlin

Dr Matt Pavlic
Matt is one of the old school pillars of Legacy. Hailing from the shores of Vancouver, he has participated in tournaments around the world and holds the record for most Recurring Nightmare activations in history. He is a well-known connoisseur of Beta cards and once stored an entire set ziploc’ed inside a bank vault. If you ever bought Beta duals west of the Mississippi, chances are Matt was involved in one way or another. Originally just a grinder & collector, Matt has also organized tournaments in both Canada and the US and is one of the founding members of the Everyday Eternal Podcast.
He also suffers from practices an obsession with Siege Rhino, and gets unlocked as a host only on special occasions.
#2 | SCG Seattle ’12
- Is an actual dentist
- Veteran of the Ponder Wars™ of 2012
- Drives the official Everyday Eternal Car

I love listening to Everyday Eternal. A German and a British gentleman talking about Legacy in a super friendly way is what I didn’t know I needed! I enjoy their walk down memory lane, the top tier special guests they bring on the cast, and the analysis of the evolving Legacy metagame.
Andrea Mengucci

Everyday Eternal is consistently excellent. Both guests and hosts are some of the best in the game and the content gets into the depth of Magic: the Gathering you otherwise rarely get into – but really need to in order to improve as a player. And if that wasn’t enough, the episodes are also very entertaining. Highly recommended listening!
Hans Jacob Kuhlmann Goddik

Legacy is my favorite format not because of the gameplay but primarily because of the community and the steady stream of content produced for it. Everyday Eternal is my favorite resource for the latest news, in-depth analysis and a warm welcoming atmosphere.
Marcus Ewaldh

Everyday Eternal is a great resource for competitive Magic players looking to level up their game. The podcast hosts Julian Knab, Callum Smith and Matt Pavlic hold a well-rounded view of the Legacy format, and their enthusiasm is second to none. It is required listening for anyone serious about keeping their pulse on the format’s development.
James Hsu

Everyday Eternal is the top tier when it comes to Eternal content. They work with data, experience and theory with the people that are on top of the format and masters of specific decks, it is truly a work of art unfolding. I would highly recommend listening if you like to dive deep into a format, become better, chart new terrotories with hosts that are kind, energetic, smart and witty.