Day: January 31, 2021

Ball Lighting Tribal & KLH Set Review | EP.94

Turn 2, Ball Lightning! Callum has used his time in quarantine to intensify his work on breaking Legacy with memes-turned-decks. This time it’s a GRb Ball Lighting tribal deck that actually works much better than we’d have ever anticipated. Make sure to pack your Tundra Wolves because this one’s about to become massive….until end of…

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Why Japan Gets Legacy Right – feat. Kai Sawatari | EP.93

Joining us today is one of enthusiastic ambassadors of the Legacy format. Kai Sawatari might not be the most visible online persona (thus far!), but not only is he one of the funniest and most relaxed guys to hang out with at tournaments, he’s also an incredibly talented ANT/Doomsday pilot. Born in Japan, Kai had…

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