Today’s show covers a topic my guest James Hsu and I have been planning to cover for a very long time. Because of James’ upbringing in Vancouver, frequent travels to and interactions with Europe,  and newfound home in Beijing, he’s one of the few players out there with an expert knowledge of many different Magic scenes and cultures. In this episode of Everyday Eternal, he provides some fascinating insight into many aspects of Chinese Magic — and why he expects it to explode in popularity in the near future.
Table of contents:

* Cultural Differences between North American, European and Chinese Magic
* Legacy Tournament Scene in China
* Chinese Magic Content Creators and relation with “Western” Scene
* Magic on Chinese Social Media — Bigger than Twitch!
* Why MTG Arena will be a Game Changer in China
* The Chinese Secondary Market
* Discussion of the so-called “Chinese Fakes”
James Hsu’s personal blog where he reflects on life, the universe and everything.
The Humans of Magic podcast blog, where James interviews Magic personalities on a very personal level
China’s #1 Website for anything gaming, including Magic
The Meditators – China’s Premier Legacy Forum
Results of the last Beijing Orlov Tournament in December
China’s largest streaming website – much bigger than Twitch!
Chinese marketplace to buy/sell everything, including Magic cards
Why we love Legacy — James Hsu’s Legacy manifesto
Excellent overview of all Magic-carrying LGSs in Beijing
(approved by James)

We’d love to hear your feedback on today’s episode in the comment section or via Twitter. This is only the second episode I have edited myself and I’d be happy to hear any suggestions or advise on how we could improve your enjoyment of Everyday Eternal even further!

So long,

Insert Coin

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