Bob Huang, Matt Pavlic and Julian Knab sit down with newly crowned ETERNAL WEEKEND 2017 LEGACY CHAMPION, Denmark’s Hans Jacob Goddik to discuss his and Bob’s amazing runs through the tournament, their individual deck choices (BUG & Grixis Delver) as well as the current state of Legacy. Plus: 10 cool things you can do with Siege Rhinos you probably have at home.
What is Everyday Eternal?
For those unfamiliar with Everyday Eternal, it is one of the oldest Magic podcasts focussed on competitive Legacy (and we like to claim: sometimes also Vintage.) Together with our hosts Bob Huang, Matt Pavlic, Julian Knab, and their funky guests, we’re bringing you the latest news and technology from the world of Eternal Magic. God, could our iTunes BE any more generic? Can someone please rewrite this? Bob, Matt, anyone?
Seriously though, rebooting this podcast has been something I’ve wanted to do for a long while now and I’m super happy to today present you the new and improved Everday Eternal! A big THANK YOU goes out to all the people on Patreon who earlier this year met the incentive to regroup and produce this! Your support there really does mean the world to me and I’m thankful for everything you guys & girls have done for me this year!
iTunes, Google Play, Soundcloud & Previous Episodes
/Edit: We’re on iTunes now!
We’re working with Eternal Central, where this podcast used to be hosted, to soon reupload all the previous episodes! Some time next week, the current (old) iTunes feed for Everyday Eternal will close and I’ll reopen a new one that you can subscribe to. Same goes for Google Play and Soundcloud, where we will register this Podcast for the first time. Once everything has been set up, I’ll announce everything here. If you liked what you heard, we’d be very thankful if you could leave a review on iTunes, once we’re on it.
It would be great to receive some feedback on this episode. This was the first time I have edited a podcast and it blew my mind how much time goes into working on it. I can tell that I’m already getting better, so I’m already looking forward to future episodes! Please do let us know what you liked and disliked about this episode, which topics you’d love us to see hear covering in future episodes, as well as what your favourite Siege Rhino combo is. You can leave your feedback in the comments or contact me via Twitter.
So long,