In episode 31 of #EverydayEternal, Julian (@itsJulian23) regales Sam (@thecravenone), Matt (@SDE_Matt), and Sean (nedleeds) with tales from this year’s Ovinogeddon. Later, Sean and Sam talk expectations for Vintage at Eternal Weekend 2014.
0:00:28 Problems at Ovinogeddon
0:11:48 Current dominance of Miracles
0:15:05 Funny stories from Ovinogeddon
0:41:13 Eternal Weekend Vintage Preview
0:44:16 What’s in Sean’s gauntlet
0:52:02 Influence of MTGO on the metagame
0:53:21 Workshops’ Problems: BUG and Young Pyromancer
0:59:42 Expectations for best performances at Eternal Weekend: Dredge a surprise contender, Oath falls flat?
1:04:59 LCV results
1:08:33 Announcements and outro

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