In episode 29 of #EverydayEternal Matt Pavlic (sdematt), Sam Craven (@thecravenone), and Julian Knab (@itsJulian23) wrap up the last of the new cards from Khans of Tarkir. There’s not a lot left, so the discussion quickly moves from the plane of the Khans to the realm of online Magic. Sam introduces us to the Vintage Super League, which he hopes will bring more attention and interest to Vintage. Julian shares stories from the recent Legacy MOCS – the only non-GP Legacy tournament that can be used to qualify for a Pro Tour.
00:00 Stubborn Denial
03:32 Khans of Tarkir cards that just barely miss the cut: Treasure Cruise, Merderous Cut, Utter End, Empty the Pits
11:29 Vintage Super League
20:42 Legacy MOCS Qualifier
39:53 General banter and outro

Vintage Super League
Vintage Super League YouTube Playlists
Legacy MOCS Championship Decklists and Results

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