With so many facets to Brainstorm, episode 27 of #EverydayEternal finds Matt Pavlic (sdematt), Jacob Kory (@MTGKoby), Julian Knab (@itsJulian23), and special guest Ben Wheeler (@TopOnMyUpkeep) further discussing ways to fight the blue menace. First, is Brainstorm really the problem? The team seems to agree that an over-reliance on misunderstood statistics could indicate that it’s not. In case it is, what can WotC do about it? Both card creation and potential unbannings are explored.
0:00:01 – Clearing up some things about Matt’s recent Brainstorm article
0:09:16 – Twitter question from @TheBoozeCube – Why are there so many lopsided matchups in Legacy?
0:15:41 – Is Brainstorm even the problem?
0:26:35 – Overreliance on (flawed) statistics
0:38:35 – Brewing up a new card to fight Brainstorm
0:57:55 – Unbanning things to fight Brainstorm
1:00:14 – Outro

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