In the second episode of #EverydayEternal, Matt Pavlic (sdematt), Jacob Kory (@MTGKoby on Twitter), Sean O’Brien (nedleeds), and Sam Craven (@TheCravenOne on Twitter) discuss the results of the most recent Star City Opens, with a focus on the newest bully on the Legacy playground, Deathblade.
Here’s the timestamped table of contents for your listening ease and enjoyment:
0:01:09 – Recap of the results of the SCG Legacy Open Baltimore, including a brief deck analysis of U/B Tezzerator and Death & Taxes
0:17:35 – Upcoming events – Proxy Vintage at Grand Prix: Las Vegas, and discussion about Eternal Weekend
0:24:09 – Deathblade: An in depth analysis
0:49:23 – Modern Masters, and why pimpin’ ain’t easy in these trying times
0:56:39 – Grand Prix: Las Vegas – What’s going on?
1:04:06 – Discussion about the SCG Open Series
1:07:33 – A brief look into our thoughts and experiences with the Modern format
1:11:19 – Outro & Contact info

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