In episode thirteen of #EverydayEternal, Matt Pavlic (sdematt), Jacob Kory (@MTGKoby), and Sean O’Brien (nedleeds) have a very special guest. Joining the guys is Bazaar of Moxen Legacy winner, Julian Knab (@itsJulian23).
We get reports from Julian and Sean about their trips to Bazaar of Moxen and Eternal weekend as well as some discussion about the events themselves. Of course, results are king! We analyze the metagame after the last few big tournaments and discuss how to prepare for that metagame just in time for Grand Prix: Washington, DC.
Here’s the timestamped table of contents for your listening ease and enjoyment:
0:01:10 Preparing for and Playing in BoM 2013
0:11:10 Language a barrier?
0:19:10 Funny stories from BoM
0:24:07 Sean’s Eternal Weekend Report
0:34:48 Comparing Eternal Weekend and Bazaar of Moxen
0:40:38 True Name Nemesis
0:45:25 Why these events are great: The spirit of Eternal
0:57:07 Spending time with Raphaël Lévy and discussing coverage of both events
1:07:17 Prepping for GP Washington based on recent results
1:21:03 Wrap up

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