In episode twelve of #EverydayEternal, Matt Pavlic (sdematt), Jacob Kory (@MTGKoby), and Sam Craven (@TheCravenOne) discuss the big things coming soon to eternal magic. After a brief return to Johnny decks and Matt’s SCG Open: Seattle tournament report, the guys discuss the cards out of Commander that they’re most looking forward to. This segues in to the big tournaments coming up this weekend and how we expect to see the metagame change.

Outside of Magic, we’d like to give a big congratulations to Jacob, who recently bought his first house!
Here’s the timestamped table of contents for your listening ease and enjoyment:
0:00:49 Koby’s Johnny Deck
0:07:58 Matt’s SCG Seattle Tournament Report
0:31:16 Quick thoughts on the SCG Invitational
0:34:37 True Name Nemesis
0:39:15 Widespread Panic
0:41:15 Toxic Deluge
0:43:40 Restore
0:45:14 Unexpectedly Absent
0:48:10 Upcoming Events
0:59:45 Off Topic Alert: Koby bought a house!
1:06:05 Outro

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