Welcome to the inaugural #EverydayEternal podcast! Matt Pavlic, Jacob Kory (@MTGKoby on Twitter), Sean O’Brien (nedleeds on most forums), and Sam Craven (@TheCravenOne on Twitter) circle together to discuss the new changes to the Legendary and Planeswalker rules, and analyze the play in a tight game of Maverick vs. DeathBlade from the recent SCG Baltimore.

Here’s the timestamped table of contents for your listening ease and enjoyment:
0:00:01 – Introduction
0:03:45 – M14 Rules Update and Applications in Legacy
0:14:55 – A Brief Aside on Liliana of the Veil
0:22:13 – Discussion of Maverick vs. DeathBlade Battle from SCGLive (Video Below)
0:50:10 – Tournament Announcements

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