Callum and Julian welcome everyone’s favourite Australian Maverick streamer to the cast tonight! Dougal ‘DougesOnTwitch’ Warby is one of the most positive forces in the Legacy community, running a hugely successful stream as well as, a website entirely dedicated to the Maverick archetype. For tonight’s show, Dougal joins us to not only talk Maverick, but also discuss the merits of different styles of deckbuilding for big events. Should you aim for an overall 50/50 against the field, or is it worth it to take calculated risks – even when you’re not guessing correctly? Join us on the Everyday Eternal and find out!

00:08:00 — Drop Bears threatening Callum
00:01:45 — Douges’ Stream is Fancy!
00:16:30 — 3y anniversary
00:25:30 — Listener Questions
00:42:50 — Douges’ Questing Beast got stolen
00:59:15 — Big Event Deckbuilding – Maverick
01:01:40 — Big Event Deckbuilding – Legacy
01:09:00 — The Julian School of Deckbuilding
01:13:00 — *THE* Deckbuilding Graphic
01:25:30 — The Best Proactive Decks
01:39:40 — Win a Mox Emerald!

Thanks a lot for tuning into today’s show!
Until next time,

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