For our final episode of the year, the whole crew of Matt, Callum and Julian comes together to take a look back at one of the most turbulent years in the history of Legacy. From one of the most broken decks that ever saw the light of day, via a card that was upon spoiler immediately called out as more broken than Black Lotus – 2020 has been an incredibly wild ride. But not for all of us! With Covid raging around the world, Paper Magic had been put on the back burner in most of the world, with many players never even getting to play a single match against some of the utter brokenness that was this year in review.

We’re all incredibly excited for what’s to come in 2021. Julian in particular has a lot of thoughts about why 2021 should be the year of empowering local and especially regional Magic, as opposed to trying to force the game back into an expired Organized Play concept that doesn’t feel right for 2021 anymore. Listen to his thoughts about why WotC and 3rd party TOs should instead strengthen regional mid-sized tournaments around the world, especially during a year of rebuilding.

Show Notes

Thanks a lot for tuning into today’s show! We’re wishing a very happy New Year to all of you! We’re incredibly thankful for your support from all around the world, and are super excited to continue Everyday Eternal into a year that will surely hold a lot of great things for the Legacy community – we promise we’ll surely do our part to make it so!

Until next time,

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