This is an episode I’ve been looking forward to for a long time. Marc Eric Vogt is not only one of the very first people I got to know when I started playing Legacy ~15 years ago, I also feel overwhelmingly confident in saying that he is one of the best, if not the best Legacy player I ever met.

Marc recently picked up MTGO again after an 8-year hiatus and immediately jumped to completely anihilating the competition. After two months of grinding and streaming, he is sitting at an absolutely mindblowing winrate of over 80%. He has won the AnziD Lotus Box Invitational and a Challenge, has Top8’ed another and just last weekend finished Top4 in the giant Mana Traders tournament.

But what is Marc’s success built on? Callum and I invited him for one of our deepest dives on how to be a winning Legacy player. This is not only (but especially) for those who want to learn the underappreciated art of Control-Fu, but also for those who want to understand game on a deeper level. Marc offers incredible advice (and some bad takes on Sauerkraut) that’s gonna be invaluable to anyone looking to take their game to the next level.

Show Notes

Thanks a lot for tuning into today’s show!
Until next time,

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