Joining us today is the Belgian Eternal LEGEND Tom De Decker. Tom is one of the stalwarts of the European Eternal community and a major force in promoting our beloved formats. Whether it’s through providing Vintage decks for several people at an event, organizing their accommodation or providing guided tours through tournament cities, Tom is doing more for our communities than I can put into words here.
Just the other week, the famous Italian tournament organizer 4Seasons hosted what we believe to be the first big Eternal event ever since Covid hit the world. In Bologna over 150 players gathered for Legacy (and a respetcable 19 for Vintage). Joining them was Tom, who’s giving us a first-hand report of what it was like playing in the event – both with regards to the special Covid-precautions and how they influenced all kinds of things from shuffling to railbirding restrictions. Afterwards Callum and I take a look at the Top16 decks of the format and which kind of sweet tech made it to the top of the event!
Show Notes
- Tom De Decker’s Vintage deck (Breach)
- Tom De Decker’s Legacy deck (Ru Painter)
- 4 Seasons Twitch Stream (VOD Archive)
- 4 Seasons Legacy Top16 Decklists
- The EPIC Pit Decklist
- Tom De Decker’s Twitter
Thanks a lot for tuning into today’s show!
Until next time,