With Callum currently rocking out on a burning boat in Eastern Europe, Kai & Julian invite Iñigo ‘runkor’ Villamor onto the show, to look back at their adventures at IMPACT Returns in Spain earlier this month. There, in the very north-western reaches of the country in Galicia, the IMPACT crew had (thus far) rather secretly built the second-biggest recurring Legacy of Europe. We look back at their history which reaches back over a decade to a bunch of guys inside a bar, all the way to the big Legacy+Modern events that are hosting now.
Starting this year, Impact is now reaching out beyond the Spanish borders, attracting players from the rest of the continent. As coverage was being switched to English, they brought in Kai & Julian as commentators for both the Spanish Legacy Champs on Friday and the Main Event on Saturday.
We look back at a weekend fueled with just the best of Spanish Legacy, people, cuisine, and beaches! If you’re gonna miss an episode, don’t let it be this one!
00:00:00 Inigo ‘runkor’ joins us tonight
00:08:00 Funniest Spanish card names
00:15:00 Running IMPACT Returns
01:13:30 Legacy + Beach!
01:20:30 Julian’s Modern Misadventure
Thanks a lot for tuning into today’s show!
Until next time,