Madrid 🇪🇸 | CMS Report & Outlook for 2016

The weekend before Christmas I went back to the roots of my international Magic career in Madrid. Despite having played the game for much longer, Grand Prix Madrid 2010 marked both my first ever major and international event. I remember being super excited but also a bit scared about the sheer size of what at the time was the largest Magic tournament in history. My friends told me not to bring my binder because it would probably be stolen, so I left it at home. It instead was stolen the very next week at a local event.

Fast-forward five years and I have stopped counting the number of GPs I have played in. This weekend concluded the first year of the newly created MagicCardMarket tournament series. Having done well during the previous stops in Rome and Prague, my chances to make it to the “Super Finals” of the Top32 players of the year were already looking pretty good, so my entire focus was on doing well in the Madrid event itself. It would be the last large event of a quite travel-heavy and eventful year for me and I was really happy to not only compete for high stakes but also meet a lot of friends from all over Europe again.

After flying in from Munich on early Friday morning, I caught the free shuttle from the airport to the Marriott where I teamed up with our crew for the weekend: Tim van der Lans and Michael Bonde.

Friday- Big Legacy Side Event

The Legacy Trial wouldn’t start until 2pm so I still had a couple of hours to catch a bit of sleep. When I come down to the event site, I witnessed the Tournament Organizer’s third(!) try to post the first-round pairings for the Standard Main Event scheduled to begin almost 3 hours ago — some things just never change, I guess. Because of the Standard delay, the Big Legacy Trial was also delayed for 1-2 hours.

This is how my event played out, rocking my trusty Elves that I’ve been piloting for over two years now. (For my most recent list, see below):

Round 1 — ANT — 2:0 Win
Round 2 — Sneak Show — 1:2 Loss
Round 3 — Elves — 2:0 Win
Round 4 — 4c Delver — 2:0 Win
Round 5 — Reanimator — 2:1 Win
Round 6 — Esper Mentorblade — 1:2 Loss
Result: 4-2

Despite catching more of the short end of the matchup-stick, I came pretty close to making it to the Top8. There’s a couple of situations I want to talk about here:

In the first round I was up against a nice but very slow guy from Spain on ANT. After he had been in the tank for 30 seconds on a Brainstorm, I asked him to make a decision; when he still couldn’t make up his mind at 45 seconds, I called over a judge, who took another 30 seconds to arrive at which point my opponent had eventually decided on which cards to put back. Later in the same game, he was in a pretty complex situation after flipping Tendrils of Agony to Ad Nauseam. Because I had Deathrite Shaman active, he would need to go for the natural Tendrils as he couldn’t utilize any Lion’s Eye Diamond shenanigans. He once again started tanking on whether he should reveal another card for Ad Nauseam and I immediately called a judge after 30 seconds. When the judge arrived he told me he couldn’t do anything as he hadn’t witnessed the situation, which is a fair and good call. But when my opponent eventually revealed the next card, after literally less than 5 seconds the judge already urged him to make a decision, which I think was the wrong thing to do. As much as I want to rush people who take 30+ seconds on a single decision, I do not want anyone to be hurried who stays within the limit. When I told the judge that I think that’s perfectly fair for my opponent to think about the new situation for a short while, he agreed — and left the table. Argh! This is not how potential Slow Play situations should be treated. Correct me if I’m wrong, but from everything I know, the way a potential Slow Play situation should be handled was for the judge to remain at the table for a while to encourage a decent pace of play. Instead, we had a judge over at our table for a total of maybe 20-25 seconds. Maybe the tournament was understaffed and he felt compelled to leave, but it feels like there’s a general issue with the way Slow Play is handled by judges right now. I’d be happy to hear that some of the higher-ups on the judge chain are currently doing more to raise awareness of the issue.

Round 5 saw me go up against this friendly Spaniard on Reanimator. He won the die roll and proceeded to Entomb at the end of my turn after I cast Deathrite Shaman. While he was searching and shuffling, I asked him to just “show it to me” if he had it so we wouldn’t need to waste time. He said he had it and shows me an Exhume, ready to scoop up his cards. Only after interrupting him and asking to also see the second land required to get there, he shrugs and tells me he doesn’t actually have it. So he untaps, draws…and passes. I untap with DRS active and feel like I dodged a bullet there. With no answers to my Shaman and apparently no Show and Tell from my opponent, I quickly run away with the game. After losing a quick game2 to Griselbrand, we shuffle up for the third and final one. I mulligan down to six but keep an acceptable hand that has no Deathrite Shaman but two Thoughtseizes. Taking out all of his early Reanimation spells with it, we quickly wind up in a situation where he is forced to Reanimate a Tidespout Tyrant in the face of a (still summoning sick) timely Deathrite Shaman. We enter this weird damage race which involves him beating down for 5 every turn while I retaliate with Nettle Sentinel and Heritage Druid, leaving DRS on guard duty. Every so often he disrupts my offensive by Daze‘ing his Force of Will on Entomb to bounce my whole team, effectively Time-Walking me for a turn. In the end, he comes one attack short of lethal and has to keep his Tyrant back to block, hoping to draw a castable spell to swing the race back in his favour. Instead I topdeck a Green Sun’s Zenith for Quirion Ranger, allowing me to triple-activate Deathrite Shaman for the win on his Upkeep. Great games!

Ready to draw into Top, I was unfortunately paired down in the last round and had to play I out against a guy who couldn’t draw, eventually losing in three close games to Esper Mentorblade.

Noteworthy: the event was initially meant to only award a Bye to the overall winner. Instead, the TO decided to award Byes to everyone in the Top4 after they guys had split the prizes. How is that acceptable? The entire Bye-policy of this year’s MKM series has been a farce. I made Top8 at the big on-site trials in Rome and Prague and didn’t receive a Bye; in fact, the “trial” in Rome was changed on short notice to not award any Byes at all. And don’t even get me started on the entire event being registered as “Casual” because the TO either didn’t know how to make it a Premier Event…or just didn’t care? I know that at least in Prague it was offered to them from the judges running the event, but the TO actively opted to just have a “Casual” tournament instead. Really looking forward to the MKM Series being in the hands of a new TO next year (more on that below.)

Saturday – Legacy Main Event

It won’t surprise most of you that my maindeck hasn’t really changed from what I’ve been using throughout the year. Most Elves pilots these days are using the established core with only 2-3 slots for customization. The only change to my MKM Prague list you will notice is the Cavern of Souls over the 9th Fetchland. It isn’t something I swear by, but when you draw it, it turns the entire Miracles matchup upside down, so I’m happy to include it for now.

The Mona Lisa of Elves deckbuilding has always been the sideboard though. It basically looks like this:

  • anti Miracles
  • anti Combo
  • anti Delver

Choose two you really want to beat. Because there’s little overlap between heavy-hitting answers to each of those three categories of decks that Elves will often struggle against, it’s usually a losing battle to try to address all three of them with equally strong cards.

This is the decklist I played in the Main Event:

Creatures (28)
4 Deathrite Shaman
4 Quirion Ranger
4 Wirewood Symbiote
4 Elvish Visionary
4 Nettle Sentinel
3 Heritage Druid
2 Craterhoof Behemooth
1 Birchlore Rangers
1 Llanowar Elves
1 Reclamation Sage

Sorceries (11)
4 Glimpse of Nature
4 Green Sun's Zenith
3 Natural Order

Enchantments (1)
1 Sylvan Library
Lands (20)
4 Windswept Heath
4 Wooded Foothills
4 Gaea's Cradle
2 Bayou
2 Forest
2 Dryad Arbor
1 Pendelhaven
1 Cavern of Souls

Sideboard (15)
4 Thoughtseize
3 Cabal Therapy
3 Abrupt Decay
2 Surgical Extraction
2 Choke
1 Scavenging Ooze

I decided to put heavy emphasis on beating Storm after having seen an awful lot of it in the Big Trial on Friday. I left out most of the dedicated Miracle hate like Krosan Grip, additional Cavern of Souls or Pithing Needle for more of a crossover sideboard with Delver. My reasoning is that 4c and Grixis have become the flavour of the month for Delver; especially the latter of those has a really hard time beating Choke, which is also an acceptable sideboard card vs Miracles. Overall though, I’d rather not face the format’s big UWr bully with this configuration. (If you wanted to build a more Miracles/Delver focused sideboard, I recommend adding the 4th Abrupt Decay to the sideboard in place of a Discard spell.)

Swiss @ Legacy Main Event

This is how my tournament went:

Round 1 — Death & Taxes — 2:0 Win (Michael Bonde)
Round 2 — 4c Loam — 1:2 Loss
Round 3 — Merfolk — 2:0 Win
Round 4 — UWr Vial Moon FaeryBlade — 2:0 Win
Round 5 — UWg Control/Combo Lands — 2:0 Win
Round 6 — 5c Punishing MentorGoyf — 2:1 Win
Round 7 — BGRw Jund — 2:0 Win
Round 8 — BUG Delver — 0:2 Loss(Feature Match)
Round 9 — Reanimator — 2:0 Win
Result: 7-2 – 12th place out of 269 players.

7-2 again. It’s the result that’s been haunting me for a year now. It’s a single point from the playoffs and yet so far. It represents missed opportunities, punts or timely topdecks of your opponent. Over the course of the last year, I have 7-2’ed MKM, two Ovinogeddons as well as the Bazaar of Moxen Vintage Event back in Annecy 2014…new year’s resolution: Less 7-2, more 8-1-1! 🙂

So how did I arrive at yet another “close but no cigar” finish? It all starts on Saturday morning, discussing Michael’s sideboard over breakfast. “Is this card good against Elves?” he asks as Grafdigger’s Cages, Containment Priests and Ethersworn Canonists rotate in and out of his deck a couple of times before we head over to the tournament room where pairings for round 1 are being posted. Hitting that 0,37% chance, we’re actually paired against each other. Even though the matchup is heavily in favour of Elves, it still feels odd having just tuned the exact sideboard you’re about to face now. I still take him down in two quick games, despite the (little) hate he draws as hardcast Craterhoof Behemoth still dodges any of the playable hate we have seen out of Death & Taxes thus far — never side out the second copy in that matchup!

When you don’t know whether they are playing or trading.

Round 6 saw me go up against the thus far greediest deck I have ever seen in Magic: 5c Punishing MentorGoyf. There’s been 5c Threshold almost 10 years ago but at least that deck had the honesty to just run four copies of City of Brass. In game1 I eventually win with a hardcast Craterhoof Behemoth through chaining Gaea’s Cradles. Before that he Lightning Bolt‘ed and Swords to Plowshares‘d pretty much any action I had on the table, leaving me with just a bunch of mana Elves, while Monastery Mentor and Tarmogoyf were doing their work on my life total. After losing the second game in quick fashion, game 3 turns into a super long grindfest that sees me fall behind early on. My opponent decided to use his countermagic and removal spells very aggressively, pathing an avenue for two 5/6 Goyfs to beat me down quickly. When he also hands one of his Lhurgoyfs an Umezawa’s Jitte, the game looks almost out of reach. Fortunately I had drawn an Abrupt Decay the turn before and was now facing the most interesting decision of my tournament: do I chumpblock one of the Goyfs with one of my last two Elves and Decay the Jitte? Or do I destroy the Goyf carrying the legendary Equipment, leaving the Jitte on the board but me with the Elf? The former scenario leaves me with 1 Elf and the top of my deck vs two lethal attackers, while the later leaves me with two creatures + topdeck vs only one lethal attacker + Umezawa’s Jitte. I eventually figure that Jitte, as good as it is vs Elves, is just a win-more and not the actual problem card on this board, which leads me to Decaying the second Goyf and just taking 5 from the other one. I untap, draw Reclamation Sage which is one of about 10 cards I could hit to get a significant advantage as it opens up a whole lot more to topdecks on the subsequent turn. At this point I might even be a favourite to take down the game! I destroy my opponent’s Jitte, chump-block his Goyf one more time and then hit Green Sun’s Zenith for Scavenging Ooze on my next turn, immediately growing it to 4/4 and out of Bolt range. Meanwhile my opponent, who had thrown all of his business at my early aggression, stumbled to find any answers to the Ooze and quickly found himself on the back foot before scooping up his cards only a couple of turns later.

For round 7 I am paired against a Death & Taxes player. But right after he went basic Plains into Mother of Runes on the first turn, new pairings are announced as a couple of players had apparently been dropped on accident. Bummer. After sitting down against a different guy, he presents me with turn 1 Wooded Foothills into Bayou for Deathrite Shaman — great, the mirror match…or so I thought! As it turns out he’s on a 4c version of Jund, splashing white for Enlightened Tutor. Game 1 we do the old “My 1 mana Elf for your 2 mana removal spell” dance that Elves excels in. While I develop my board playing 2-3 creatures per turn, he just spends his first turns tapping out for Punishing Fire and Abrupt Decay. With the many seemingly useless creatures surviving his early but slow bombardment, I just ritually sacrifice one of them to summon up the big bad Behemoth to close out the game. For the second game, I mulligan to 6 and keep a questionable (because slow) hand with Reclamation Sage. My opponent passes on turn1 without a play so I assume he must be holding Lightning Bolt. Usually I would not run out my best creature first in such a scenario but given the slow texture of my hand and Jund’s inherent slowness in the early turns I decided to just go for Deathrite Shaman and hope he just doesn’t have it. Instead, he casts Englightend Tutor at the end of my turn, searching up Grafdigger’s Cage. Great! Not only do I now get great value of my Reclamation Sage, my opponent wasted his first two turns without any attempt to regain tempo. He tries to get back into the game with a turn3 Liliana of the Veil, but at this point he’s just too far behind to make a comeback without the board sweeper he never ends up drawing.

On my way to the bathroom, a friend messages me that the Twitch chat wants me in next round’s feature match, awesome! Hans of the coverage team tells me the same, so when Round 8 pairings are announced I head over to the feature match area for my win-and-in for Top8 match. You can watch it here.

Yeah, that didn’t really go according to plan there. I knew I was in trouble when I didn’t win the first game where Elves is still a huge favourite over BUG Delver. I think the probably crucial punt I made was when I bounced and replayed the Heritage Druid that ended up being Daze‘ed. Instead I should have just passed and then unmorphed the Birchlore Rangers, blocked and bounced them back to my hand — in which case I have to actually question playing them morphed in the first place despite the many advantages that potentially offers.

“Por favor, do you have a table for 6?”

In the second game I kept a pretty bad 6-card hand I still couldn’t really mulligan and ended up not standing a chance. Versus Elves, Disfigure is just so infinitely better than any 2 mana removal spell as it doesn’t have a huge tempo loss attached to it the way Abrupt Decay and friends do. Paired with only drawing Fetchlands and Cradles for a couple of turns, I just couldn’t get there. But that’s ok, because a deck like Elves will just lose every once in a while with little you can do, so I don’t feel bad about losing a game like this. What I do feel bad about is losing the first game which I should have won with better play. That would allow me to try again in game3, giving my deck the opportunity to make up for the letdown in game2. Instead, I punted and lost. Lesson learned, moving on to 2016 now. Well, almost. There was one more Modern tournament.

For dinner we head into downtown Madrid where finding a restaurant table for 6 at 10pm proves to be almost impossible. After waiting and wandering around the city for another hour we eventually are ushered to a table in the winter garden of a great restaurant, spending way too much money on great Spanish food and wine and having a really great time. It’s nights like these that add a lot to my great enjoyment of these big tournaments! 🙂

Sunday – Modern Main Event

For Modern I borrowed Marius Hausmann’s GW Leonin Arbiter deck that he used to Top8 the MKM Prague Modern Event two months earlier. I had given the deck one week’s preparation on Magic Online and concluded that it is favored against something like the top5 decks of the format but heavily behind against most brews and heavy creature decks. That was good enough for me so I decided to roll with it for this event:

Creatures (28)
4 Noble Hierarch
4 Loxodon Smiter
4 Leonin Arbiter
3 Aven Mindcensor
3 Qasali Pridemage
3 Scavening Ooze
2 Kitchen Finks
2 Voice of Resurgence
2 Wilt-leaf Liege
1 Birds of Paradise

Spells (9)
4 Path to Exile
3 Collected Company
2 Dromoka's Command

Lands (23)
4 Razorverge Thicket
4 Forest
4 Ghost Quarter
4 Temple Garden
3 Horizon Canopy
2 Plains
1 Gavony Township
1 Stirring Wildwood

Sideboard (15)
4 Stony Silence
2 Auriok Champion
2 Kor Firewalker
2 Rest in Peace
2 Choke
1 Thrun, the Last Troll
1 Sigarda, Host of Herons
1 Dromoka's Command

Marius initially ran a split of 2 Stony Silence and 2 Creeping Corrosion but in my limited testing the later always felt too slow vs Affinity, especially once you throw Spell Pierce into the mix. I decided to go all-in on Stony Silences, which is incredibly difficult for them to answer on turn2 and it worked out. As a bonus feature, it also shuts down all the artifact mana of the Ad Nauseam deck that Rodrigo Togores is currently putting into the spotlight.

Marius Hausmann’s list I borrowed

Here’s how my tournament went:

Round 1 — Affinity — 1:2 Loss
Round 2 — Death & Taxes — 2:1 Win
Round 3 — Affinity — 2:0 Win
Round 4 — Affinity — 2:1 Win
Round 5 — RGW Burn — 1:2 Loss
Round 6 — KCI Combo — 0:2 Loss
Round 7 — No-Show — 2:0 Win
Round 8 — Grixis Twin — 2:1 Win
Round 9 — Abzan — 2:0 Win(Michael Bonde)
Result: 6-3 – some non-money-finish place out of 370 players.

Marius’ deck felt great and did (almost) exactly what it was built for: crush the top decks of the format. Except for that first-round loss against an Affinity where I think I could have won had I played better, all those other Affinity, Grixis and also Abzan decks felt like a walk in the park. The loss against the Krark-Clan Ironworks combo deck in round 6 was unfortunate but my deck wasn’t really built to beat those rogue decks in the first place. Stony Silence would have helped (I never drew it) but when he got down Ugin, the Spirit Dragon it was just lights out for my army of Elephants and Cats. Style move: he had so much mana, he even got to Echoing Truth his Ugin for a second activation on the same turn! Oh, and in case you’re wondering what happened during our first game, this is the hand was holding right he killed me, next to the conclusion of our second game:

The one match I actually should have won to put me in the money was none other than my deck’s very best matchup in the entire field: RGw Burn. The maindeck is already ok, but the sideboard really shines against them. Unfortunately, I never saw any of my Auriok Champions or Kor Firewalkers in game 2 and 3, but also couldn’t really mulligan for them as my starting hands were just good enough not to go digging. At the end of game3 I was able to manoeuvre myself into a spot where I had a lethal attack against a hellbent opponent on the next turn and “only” needing to dodge his next draw step as I was down to one life. He hits Lightning Bolt and I lose. I guess that’s just how it goes in Modern at times.

Sometimes it’s not meant to be vs KCI

On a related note, my opponent might have been a friendly person, but unfortunately, I never got to find out… because he just didn’t (couldn’t?) talk. At least I find it incredibly annoying when your opponent sports the dreaded mixture of a lack of English, limited rules knowledge and inability to at least just confirm whether something had resolved. Instead each turn felt like such a drag with me trying to communicate with who appeared to be a stone for most of the match. Why is that annoying? Because lack of communication amongst players will sometimes lead to ambiguity. As the player whose rules knowledge is firm and you’re banking on your opponent to make a mistake to get ahead, ambiguity is what allows the other player to get an unfair advantage. And there’s nothing in Magic I can stand less than unfairness and take-backs. I’m a strong believer that in the overwhelming majority of Magic games, it’s not the better player but the player who makes fewer mistakes, who ends up winning the game. Therefore, whenever your opponent makes a mistake but is allowed to invoke the “it was a misunderstanding”-defense, you’re losing out on value, making the outcome significantly more random — especially in complex Eternal games where the difference between winning or losing will often come down to one crucial mistake. So what did I do to overcome that problem? There’s really not much you can do. I mean, you can try to go out of your way to explain to your opponent what is going on in the game, but I think that puts your opponent at an unfair advantage. At least as long as you’re playing international tournaments in Europe, you can very much expect your opponent to at least speak enough English to navigate through a game of Magic. Every time I sit down across the table from someone in a competitive tournament, I hope for them to miss an interaction, forgot about something that’s on the stack or just outright punt. Helping them understand what’s going on in the game outside of what I am required to by the rules of the game is not on the menu. That probably sounds harsher than I mean it; I’m definitely not talking about being unfriendly or a douche to your opponent. All I’m saying is that every time you’re up against an opponent who doesn’t speak English you should immediately call a judge whenever you sense there might be a problem or misunderstanding. It makes things much easier than trying to explain the situation three times and seeing your opponent do a take-back once he realized he made a mistake, with little you can do about that except for then calling a judge who (in doubt) is likely to rule in your opponent’s favour.

The tournament ended the way it started: facing Mr Bonde

In the last round of the Modern event, I was once again up against Mr Bonde. Playing for just glory, I quickly take him down in two games. Oh man, Leonin Arbiter is just busted. It’s one of those cards that when it shines just locks your opponent out of the game as soon as turn1. That’s exactly what happens both games as I go turn1 Noble Hierarch into turn2 Arbiter + Ghost Quarter, leaving Michael hopelessly behind with just a couple of useless Fetchlands.

6-3 isn’t really a stellar result and more than a match short of Top8, but given how little practice I had with the deck, I still feel ok’ish about it. I could have definitely Top8’ed the event and I very much recommend this deck with the exact same list posted above in the current meta. If you want to hear more about it let me know as I’m sure I can get Marius to write about it.

After the tournament, Michael and I immediately head for the big dinner buffet at the hotel. He’s in such a rush to get some food that he ends up smashing (his third…) plate (of the weekend) onto the floor. Poor Michael just keeps punting all over the place :P. We’re soon joined by some other Danes and Tim and I get to learn that one of them actually Top8’ed the Modern Event with his Mono Green Tooth and Nail homebrew. I don’t know if it’s actually viable, but hearing his story made me really happy. Overall though, I think Rodrigo’s Ad Nauseam deck he used to win his now second consecutive MKM event with, is criminally underplayed in the format. I picked it up right after the event and have been playing it all week long on Magic Online now — all I can say is that I’m really impressed with its raw power while being surprisingly deep in its lines. In addition, having an all instant-speed kill is another big appeal of the deck. Over the course of this week, I have taken down countless opponents looking to sneak in something during my end step. If you can see yourself casting cards like Phyrexian Unlife and Pentad Prism, this deck is totally for you!

Epilogue – MKM Series, quo vadis?

I’m really happy there’s been so many privately organized Eternal-centric tournaments on the European scene. The fact that I’ve been travelling to all these MKM events this year despite their sometimes significant problems should tell you a lot about how much I love the game and competing in international tournaments — but also that they aren’t as bad as it might seem. Still, there have been several issues that need to be fixed for when MKM is about to head into its second year and we should all never grow tired of pointing them out.

First and foremost there’s still the issue of lacking payouts. On their last two events I got 12th and 14th place out of fields of 270 and 210 players. Yet I’m walking away with altogether just 100,- € after a combined 60,- € buy-in. How is that acceptable? It is not. I already ran the numbers on MKM Prague earlier this year. Since then they increased the Legacy payout by a laughable 480,- € compared to the additional 1.800.- € in sign-ups they had in Madrid. This means that from Prague to Madrid they even decreased their relative payout from 54% to 48%. This has always been my biggest critique of the series and really needs to be addressed by the new TO running MKM next season. At this point I should mention that they increased the payout for the surprisingly giant Modern event on short notice, but that was just more of a gesture than something actually on scale with the 370 players that registered for the event.

Several people at the event told me that all the local judges weren’t being paid enough by the TO and were just there because of their passion for judging. Combine this with the disgustingly bad payouts and things just leave a really bad taste in one’s mouth. One car of judges was apparently travelling 1,5 hours every day (one-way!) to be at the event. I have little insight into how much is appropriate or usual to pay for judges, but nothing seems a bit off.

The thing that I’ve grown to worry the least about right now is the delay in starting their tournaments. I’m not sure what causes them, but at least the tournaments themselves run pretty smoothly once they get going.

Tired, on the way home

One last issue I want to address is the “Casual” status of the MKM Series tournaments. Was Modern with its several thousand Euros in payout and 370 players in attendance really a “casual” event? Was Legacy? No, they were not. Yet they are treated as such when it comes to Planeswalker Points because the TO apparently didn’t want to put up with the hassle of registering them correctly with WotC. As mentioned above, the people running the tournament for TO in Prague even offered to make the tournament Premium ones, but the TO declined. The reason you need to register them ahead of time is so that it can be a “Competitive” event while also awarding Byes through Trials. You can’t register your tournament late, have Byes and have it sanctioned as a non-Casual event. It’s by far not as big of an issue as the payout, but it’s another one of those things that has “improper planning” written all over it. When things go wrong because things go wrong or somebody screwed up, so be it. But when it’s just improper planning, I am annoyed. And don’t even get me started on the MKM London disaster where Bazaar of Moxen pretty much saved the MKM Series’ ass.

Anyways, things are looking to get better in 2016. Next year, JK Entertainment, Germany’s biggest TO is taking over management of the MKM Series. It’s not like there weren’t any issues with JK’s tournaments in the past, but having played in both “TOP” (=the old MKM TO) and JK events before, I am very confident to say that I’m looking forward to the new shape of the MKM Series next year.

In general, 2016 is looking to be the best year in the history of European Eternal. With the Bazaar of Moxen Series, the MKM Series and hopefully a greatly improved series by the old MKM TO “Tournament Official Project” + big events like the Ovinogeddon, Prague Eternal and several national championships, there’s a lot to look forward to. I’ll soon present you with an overview of when and where to be in Europe next year + some more info on the different serieses and TOs. Stay tuned!

So long,

Julian Knab

PS: Big shout-outs to the two awesome Elves players I met who both asked me to sign one of their Forests and draw a tiny Yoshi onto it. You guys rock! 🙂

Insert Coin

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